Why does your vape batteries die so fast?

  There are several reasons why your vape battery might be dying so quickly. Overcharging, over-discharging, incorrect storage, low resistance atomizer coils, and wattage being set too high can all contribute to a vape battery not lasting as long as you might expect. Let’s take a closer look at vape batteries and examine in detail some of the reasons for short […]

WEECKE C Vapor 3.0 makes world debut on Thursday

After received the positive feedback on C Vapor 2.0 Plus , Weecke will launch a more powerful version of C Vapor series – the C Vapor 3.0 on 28th of June .    With the affordable price , amazing performance , C Vapor 2.0 is best seller in the market . The C Vapor 3.0 will […]

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