The C Vapor 3.0 is the most updated C Vaporizer, providing users with 8 pre-set temperature settings, a large ceramic chamber, a glass mouthpiece, a silicone mouthpiece as an option, and with OLED display, airflow adjustable, all in a sleek, portable vaporizer.

 Advantages and Features

1. c Vapor 3.0 with a larger battery capacity to achieve 2300 mAh, can lasting long for smoking

  1. Much quicker heating up with an updated ceramic chamber3. Fully Isolated Airpath, when you smoke the air will come into the chamber directly through the food-grade metal path, safer
  2. With airflow adjustable, we can customize the vapor experience
  3. The OLED display, indicate the temperature and battery level
  4. OEM and ODM are welcome.Flexible TemperatureThe c Vapor features 8 preset temperatures (160C, 170C, 180C, 190C, 200C,210C, 220C, 230C) perfectly calibrated to offer users the best ranges for vaporization.The temperature cycles from low to high, the user can hold the function button to control the temperature. We found that the 8 temperatures were more than enough to satisfy our vaping needs. It allow the user to slowly and efficiently extract the preferred herbs.Battery LifeThe C Vapor 3.0 updated with 2300 mAh battery capacity.For the average user, this should be more than enough for a days’ worth of vaping. While it also with fast-charging function , making it really easy to get the device with charging

The Generation of Vaporizer

1st: Combustion- Though often called a vaporizer, these devices are essentially a convenient electronic pipe where a red hot coil combusts the material.

2nd & 3rd: Conduction- The material is heated in a chamber to extract the vapor. These can work really well, but since only the sides and bottom of the chamber are heated, the material in the center doesn’t completely vaporize requiring you to stir it frequently. The chamber stays heated so you lose some efficiency as it still vaporizes between draws.



SIZE : 50.5mm* 26.0mm*118mm

Battery Capacity: 2300mAh

Charging Voltage/Current : 5V/1.0A

Lock/Unlock:Rapidly press power button 5 times ON/OFF with vibration feedback

Session Time: 240 seconds

What’s Included?

*  C Vapor 3.0

*  Cleaning Brush
*  Packing Tool

*  Screens & Silicone Rings

*  1 x Tweezers
*  4 x Extra Screens

*  USB Cable

*  User Manual


All Weecke products are backed by a 6-Months manufacturer warranty.
There is a separate 180-day warranty on the battery.

To claim a warranty please have the proof of purchase and original box the unit came in as it contains a security QR code needed for the warranty process. If you would like to get the warranty process please contact your retail shop.


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