Introduce the type of vaporizers on market

Herbal Vaporizer

So you’re new to vaping and don’t know where to start?  You’re not alone.  Many people are completely overwhelmed when they first begin looking at all of the different styles and designs of vaporizers that the market place offers.  Weecke team edit this guide aims to provide you with the knowledge necessary in order to […]



Once you got your favorite vaporizer , you should have idea how to find the suitable herbs smoke in the portable vaporizer. This article collect some of the benefits of vaporizing herbs can use in your portable vaporizer. Common Herbs Which Vaporize: • Damiana • Green Tea • Chamomile • Peppermint • Hops • Lavender […]

2014 National Day Notice by WEECKE

National Day

Dear WEECKE Valued Customers, The Chinese National Day will come soon. WEECKE will take 5 days off from 1th, October to 5th, October. However, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us please. We will reply as soon as possible once we come back. Sorry for the inconvenience . We would like to take this opportunity […]

Vapor your life,WEECKE Tobacco vaporizer shining on the INTER-TABAC 2014

The Inter-Tabac 2014,an annually exhibition of tobacco products and smoking accessories, held successfully in Dortmund on 19-21 September 2014. The leading professional e-cigarette designer and manufacturer Weecke , attended the exhibition along with their original brand Amanoo,Weecke. During this international exhibition, Weecke made a comprehensive show for the latest tech products like C-vapor ,HOLO ,E […]

How tobacco may help defeat one of the world’s deadliest viruses

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Ebola is one of the world’s most lethal diseases, causing vomiting, kidney and liver failure, and hemorrhagic bleeding. The fatality rate is up to 90 percent, and there’s currently no cure. Infection is spread by direct contact with animals or people who have the disease, which is why proper quarantine methods are so important. Over […]

What you need to know about vaporizers

Smoking is bad for you. There! We said it right up front. There’s no reasonable line of argument that can lead to any other conclusion: smoking kills lots of people, around 50 percent of its long term users. But with all that said, people love to smoke. But bottom line, tobacco products smell awful, give […]

Weecke Recently Launched Tobacco Vaporizers

To meet the growing market for tobacco vaporizer , in this September , Weecke had launches several new designed Tobacco Vaporizers : C-Vapor The world’s premium loose leaf ,dry herb ,real cigarette vaporizer. Small enough to fit in your pocket, Weecke heats, never burns your tobacco, releasing a delicious, satisfying vapor. It’s the world’s most […]

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